Wednesday 22 April 2015

The Joy's of Winter Time!

The thought of waking up early in the morning when we in the midst of winter - I'm sure will not exactly digest well with many of us let alone the poor pooch who can't go play outside. I could think of nothing worse than my alarm going off at early hours of the morning and it is still dark outside. Despite, hitting the snooze button a few times to just try and get a few minutes extra sleep as every little minute counts - you know you just have to get up now.

As you pluck yourself out of the bed and you start to feel that cool breeze of air so you quickly rush to turn the shower on to feel some warmth again and then it hits you - that you can't exactly shower for the whole day and that you are going to have to turn the tap off sooner or later.
So here are a few tips or things that I usually do in the morning to try and curb the frosty nip in the air.

1. Make sure you decide what you are going to wear the night before because then you don't still have to worry about waking up on time to find something to wear and standing in the cold. You can rather, spend that time in bed and catch a few more minutes keeping warm.
2. If you have a heater in your room turn that on. Once I have woken up I turn on my electric oil heater in my room that eats the electricity bill which is the downside but it I think it works a lot better in making the room temperature warm in a fairly quick space of time. Unlike, the wall heater that I feel doesn't really work as well for me. This will help make your room feel warm after you have had a shower as I hate freezing and standing in my room trying to put on my clothes shivering. What I also do, is once I have gotten out the shower I put my clothes over the heater so that they are warm when I put them on. Please be careful when you do this and do not leave your clothes unattended. I usually just put them over the heater for a few seconds. Just rememember that certain fabrics will also not react well if you put them on the heater for extended period of time - for example, jersey fabrics will tend to stretch over the heater so again, just be careful.
4. Have a thick, fluffy and warm gown. When I dread the thought of getting out of the hot shower, this thought is at least compromised by the idea that as soon as I have dried myself I can put on my thick fluffy gown that keeps me nice and warm. Also, leaving the bathroom to a warm room is just a few steps away so the chilly air shouldn't last too long.
5. Have a cup of morning tea, coffee or milo. When I was growing up I got super spoilt every morning by my mother that would make me either tea or milo in bed before I woke up. How I wish I could rewind the time and still be so lucky. If you not so fortunate to get woken up with something drink in bed then you may nevertheless be the type of person that cannot start your day without your morning tea or coffee. Usually, I will make myself something to drink once I am ready and then eat something light for breakfast as well even though I'm not really big on breakfast when the sun is not even up yet.
I hope sharing my experience with you is a bit of a help - and that you don't think that you only one that is not really a morning person like me.

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