Saturday 4 April 2015

Neighbourgoods Market {Food}

If you live in and around Johannesburg City or you are on holiday touring - the one place you need to go visit is the Neighbourgoods Market which is definitely great for a Saturday morning adventure. The Market is open from 09h00 - 15h00, where you will indulge in some of the most delicious and unique foods which are all homemade and will certainly make you feel like you could just eat everything and if not you will want to buy little treats to take home with you. So let's just say that if you were on diet that would no longer be the case as you would need to leave that behind as soon as you take your first step into the market.
Since, going to the market should be something fun to do to make it an even better experience here is some tips that you can follow:
1. Before you enter into the actual market - you need to take the famous picture underneath the 'Neighbourgoods Market' sign.

2. Once you get inside the market - maybe find something to drink so that you can walk around and keep yourself rejuvenated with some fresh juice or even coconut juice served in a cut coconut (see picture below). 
3. My suggestion would be to take a walk around the entire market first to ensure that you see everything -  as it helps you decide on the main things that you would really like to try because if you eat right from the start then by the time you have got halfway you can't eat anything more since you are so full. Unless of course, you decide to just take home with you what you didn't eat which I'm sure you will do anyway because you may also want more than one of something if you really enjoyed it. That's exactly what we did, we could not resist leaving without some treats to enjoy at home.

4. Once you have had a look at all the great things to offer then comes the exciting part of having to decide what are you going to eat, if not everything. If you have been to Neighbourgoods Market already - I would love to know all about your experience and what you decided to eat.
5. Go with great company - because if you with friends that you enjoy being around you are less likely to get irritated and annoyed as the market can get quite full and noisy with everyone inside. However, it is really nice if you go in a crowd because you can sit  and eat all together at a long elongated table in the middle of the market.
6. Eat, Laugh & Love. Have loads to eat, laugh a lot with your friends or family and love the experience. If you anything like me take some pictures too because there's nothing more amazing then looking back in time of all your adventures.

7. Lastly, don't forget to take some treats home with you if you would like to enjoy something again afterwards.

What a beautiful day we had in the heart of Johannesburg City. Hope to see you soon again Neighbourgoods Market - when I have lost some weight from all that I ate that day and from the food I took home with me too.

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